Software Defined Storage

Software-Defined Storage (SDS) provides the flexible platform you need for hybrid cloud, digital transformation, hardware agnostic agility and data security

Using a consultative approach we can design SDS platforms to meet ever-evolving IT challenges today and future proofing businesses for tomorrow

The Importance of Software Defined Storage

By 2025 enterprises will see a 42.2% annual increase in the volume of generated data. This enterprise data doesn’t reside in one location, which adds complexity to data management. Enterprise customers will look towards single unified systems and multi-cloud solutions to solve this data sprawl.

Software defined solutions will allow customs to meet this ever demanding data growth and provide more agility, security and scalability than standard storage can provide. This allows customers to harness more data and achieve better business outcomes


Why choose us for SDS?

Partnering with carefully selected software and storage vendors we have the flexibility to build out modular, scalable, dense and high performing Software defined infrastructure. These platforms provide the foundation to which our bespoke solutions are built upon.

Training And Demo Facilities

Exertis Enterprise offer a wide range of partner training and enablement programs underpinned by our state-of-the-art demo lab, remote demo facilities and evaluation program,  our fully qualified technical experts can help you and your customers find the right solution quickly and easily.


Our dedicated pre-sales team delivers an application and vertically focused experience, with a consultative approach. We help you bring impactful IT solutions to your customers, whether it’s reducing wasteful spending or analysing opportunities for infrastructure expansion.

We have an extensive array of performance tools that allow us to provide application optimised solutions alongside the scalability needed to futureproof investments and delivery the best ROI.

Our SDS Vendors